
吳仁和 教授



‧Associate Editor, Human Computer Interaction Track of International Conference on Information Systems, 2009
•Associate Editor, Computers in Human Behavior(SSCI) since 2005
•Editoral Board of Information & Management(SSCI) since 2005
•中山管理評論執行編輯, 1997-2000
•資訊管理學報執行編輯, 1996-1997

•2009, 論文"Healthcare technology management competency and its impacts on IT–healthcare partnerships"獲莊逸洲基金會第二屆兩岸醫管論文獎, 優等獎
•97 & 93年度獲中山大學研究績優獎
•所指導學生之論文獲 84年度全國管理碩士論文佳作獎
•83-84, 86-90年度國科會甲種研究獎助

  1. Wang, Shu-Ching and Wu, Jen-Her, Proactive Privacy Practices in Transition: Toward Ubiquitous Services, Information & Management, Vol.51, No.1, 2014, pp.93-103 (SSCI)
  2. Chen, Yi-Cheng and Wu, Jen-Her, IT Management Capability and Its Impacts on CIO Role Performance, Information & Management, Vol.48, No.4, 2011, pp.145-156 (SSCI)
  3. Wu, Jen-Her, Tennyson, R. D., and Hsia, Tzyh-Lih, A Study of Student Satisfaction in a Blended E-Learning System Environment, Computers & Education, Vol.55, No.1, 2010, pp.155-164 (SSCI)
  4. Wu, Jen-Her, Wang, Shu-Ching, and Tsai, Ho-Huang, Falling in Love with Online Games: The Uses and Gratifications Perspective, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.26, No.6, 2010, pp.1862-1871 (SSCI)
  5. Wu, J-H, Shin, S-S, and Gupta, A., A Cognitive Fit Approach for the Ex-ante Evaluation of ERP Misfits, MIS Quarterly, 2009 (Submitted to MIS Quarterly; SSCI)
  6. Jen-Her Wu, “Form-Based Knowledge Management: An Effective and Novel Approach”, Information & Management, Vol.46, No.7, 2009, pp.365-375 (SSCI)
  7. Jen-Her Wu, Wei-Chun Tai, Ray J. Tsai, Iuan-Yuan Lu, “Using Multiple Variables Decision-making Analysis for ERP”, International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, Vol.18, No.2, 2009, pp.228-241 (EI)
  8. Wu, Jen-Her, Chen, Yi-Cheng, and Greenes, R. A., "Healthcare technology management competency and its impacts on IT-healthcare partnerships development", International Journal of Medical Informatics, Vol.78, 2009, pp.71-82 (SCI)
  9. Wu, Jen-Her, Chen, Yi-Cheng, and Sambamurthy, V., The Impacts of BTM Capability and CIO Role Effectiveness on Firms’ Information Technology Assimilation: An Empirical Study, Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems 2008, 2008
  10. Wu, Jen-Her and Shiah, Tzyh-Lih, Developing E-business Dynamic Capabilities: An Analysis of E-Commerce Innovation from I-, M-, to U-Commerce, Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, Vol.18, No.2, 2008, pp.95-111 (SCI)
  11. Hsia, Tzyh-Lih, Wu, Jen-Her, and Li, Eldon, E-Commerce Value Matrix and Use Case Model: A Goal-Driven Methodology for Eliciting B2C Application Requirements, Information & Management, Vol.45, No.5, 2008, pp.321-330 (SSCI)
  12. Wu, Jen-Her, Shen, Wen-Hsin, Lin, Li-Min, Greenes, Robert A., and Bates, David W., Testing the Technology Acceptance Model for Evaluating Healthcare Professionals' Intention to Use an Adverse Event Reporting System, International Journal for Quality in Health Care, Vol.20, No.2, 2008, pp.123-129 (SSCI)
  13. Wu, Jen-Her, Shin, Shin-Shing, and Heng, Michael S H, A Methodology for ERP Misfit Analysis, Information & Management, Vol.44, No.8, 2007, pp.666-680
  14. Wu, Jen-Her, Tennyson, R. D., Hsia, Tzyh-Li, and Liao, Yi-Wen, Analysis of E-Learning Innovation and Core Capability Using a Hypercube Model, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.24, 2007, pp.1851-1866 (SSCI)
  15. Lin, Li-Min, Wu, Jen-Her, Huang, Ing-Chung, Tseng, Kuo-Hung, and Lawler, J. J, Management Development: A Study of Nurse Managerial Activities and Skills, Journal of Health Care Management, Vol.52, No.3, 2007, pp.156-169 (SSCI)
  16. Wu, Jen-Her, Chen, Yi-Cheng, and Chang, Jack, Critical IS professional activities and skills/knowledge: A perspective of IS managers, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.23, 2007, pp.2945-2965 (SSCI)
  17. Wu, Jen-Her, Chen, Yi-Cheng, Chang, Jack, and Lin, B., Closing off the knowledge gaps in IS education: An empirical study in Taiwan, International Journal of Innovation and Learning, Vol.4, No.4, 2007, pp.357-375
  18. Wu, Jen-Her, Chen, Yung-Cheng, and Lin, Li-Min, Empirical Evaluation of the Revised End User Computing Acceptance Model, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.23, No.1, 2007, pp.162-174 ( SSCI)
  19. Wu, Jen-Her and Wang, Yuh-Min, Measuring ERP Success: The Key-Users’ Viewpoint of the ERP to Produce a Viable IS in the Organization, Computers in Human Behavior, Vol.23, 2007, pp.1582-1596 (SSCI)
  20. Wu, Jen-Her, Hsia, Tzyh-Li, and Heng, Michael S H, Core Dynamic Capabilities for Exploiting Electronic Banking, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Vol.7, No.2, 2006, pp.111-122
  21. Wu, Jen-Her, Wang, Shu-Ching, and Lin, Li-Mi, Mobile Computing Acceptance Factors in the Healthcare Industry: A Structural Equation Model, International Journal of Medical Informatics, Vol.76, 2006, pp.66-77 (SCI)
  22. Hsia, Tzyh-Li, Lin, Li-Min, Wu, Jen-Her, and Tsai, Hsien-Tang, A Framework for Designing Nursing Knowledge Management Systems, Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and Management, Vol.1, 2006, pp.13-22
  23. Wu, Jen-Her and Wang, Yuh-Min, Measuring KMS Success: An Attempt to Extend and Respecify DeLone and McLean's Model, Information & Management, Vol.43, No.6, 2006, pp.728-739 (SSCI)
  24. Wu, Jen-Her and Wang, Yuh-Min, Measuring ERP Success: The Ultimate Users View, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Vol.26, No.8, 2006, pp.882-903 (SSCI)
  25. Wu, Jen-Her and Wang, Yuh-Min, Development of a Tool for Selecting A Mobile Shopping Site: A Customer Perspective, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol.5, No.3, 2006, pp.192-200 (SSCI)
  26. Wu, Jen-Her, Huang, An-Sheng, Hsia, Tzyh-Lih, and Tsai, Hsien-Tang, Revolution or Evolution? An Analysis of E-Health Innovation and Impact using a Hypercube Model, International Journal of Electronic Healthcare, Vol.2, No.1, 2006, pp.12-34
  27. Wu, Jen-Her, Wang, Yuh-Min, and Lu, Iuan-Yuan, An Empirical Study on ERP-driven Innovation in Taiwan, International Journal of Technology Management, Vol.31, No.1/2, 2005, pp.32-48 (SSCI)
  28. Wu, Jen-Her, Shin, Shin-Shing, Wu, Chi-Cheng, and Hsieh, Chang-Tseh, COTS-based Systems: A Methodology for Evaluating Data and Output Misfits, Journal of Information Technology and Information Management, Vol.14, No.4, 2005, pp.27-44
  29. 吳仁和、王育民、李瑞國、盧淵源, 工業爐系統市場定位之研究—多元尺度分析法之應用, 中山管理評論, Vol.13, No.2, 2005, pp.511-531 (TSSCI)
  30. Holsapple, C. W., Wang, Yuh-Min, and Wu, Jen-Her, Empirically Testing User Characteristics and Fitness Factors in ERP Success, International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Vol.19, No.3, 2005, pp.323-342 (SSCI)
  31. Wu, Jen-Her and Wang, Shu-Ching, What Drives Mobile Commerce? An Empirical Evaluation of the Revised Technology Acceptance Model, Information & Management, Vol.42, No.5, 2005, pp.719-729 (SSCI)
  32. Wu, Jen-Her, Wang, Yuh-Min, and Lu, Iuan-Yuan, Enterprise Resource Planning Experience in Taiwan: An Empirical Study and Comparative Analysis, International Journal of Technology Management, Vol.31, No.1, 2005, pp.32-48 (SSCI)
  33. Wu, Jen-Her, Huang, Yen-Chieh, and Shin, Shin-Shing, Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: Transformation from Class Diagram to Relational Table and Application Template, Journal of Internet Technology, Vol.6, No.4, 2005, pp.453-461 ( EI)
  34. Lin, Li-Min, Wu, Jen-Her, and White, L. P., Managerial Activities and Skills Of Nurse Managers: An Exploratory Study, Hospital Topics, Vol.83, No.2, 2005, pp.2-9
  35. Wu, Jen-Her, Hsia, Tse-Chih, Tsai, Sun-Jen, and Hsieh, Chang-Tse, A Methodology for Modeling the User Interfaces: An integrated UML and PAC Model, Journal of Internet Technology, Vol.6, No.4, 2005, pp.403-412 ( EI)
  36. Wu, Jen-Her, Chen, Yi-Cheng, and Lin, Hsin-Hui, Developing a Set of Management Needs for IS Managers: A Study of Necessary Management Activities and Skills, Information & Management, Vol.41, No.4, 2004, pp.413-429 (SSCI)
  37. Lin, Fen-Hui and Wu, Jen-Her, An Empirical Study of End-User Computing Acceptance Factors in Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan: Analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling, Journal of Computer Information Systems, Vol.44, No.3, 2004, pp.98-108 ((SCI Expanded))
  38. Wu, Jen-Her and Shiah, Tzyh-Lih, Analysis of E-Commerce Innovation and Impact: A Hypercube Modelel, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, Vol.3, No.4, 2004, pp.389-404 (SSCI)
  39. Wu, Jen-Her, Doong, Her-Sen, Lee, Ching-Chang, Hsia, Tse-Chih, Liang, Ting-Peng, A Methodology for designing form-based decision support systems, Decision Support Systems, Vol.36, No.3, 2004, pp.313-335 (SCI Expanded)
  40. 吳仁和、黃竫芬、黃彥結、辛信興, 全膝關節置換術之併發症�合併症篩選研究, 中山管理評論, Vol.12, No.6, 2004, pp.93-117 (TSSCI)
  41. Wu, Jen-Her and Yuan, Yufei, Improving Searching and Reading Performance: the Effect of Highlighting and Text Color Coding, Information & Management, Vol.40, No.7, 2003, pp.617-637 (SSCI)
  42. Wu, Jen-Her, Chen, Yi-Cheng, and Tu, Yi-Ming, IS Manager's Training Needs: A Survey of Managerial Activity and Skill Requirements, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol.19, No.4, 2002, pp.71-81 (EI)
  43. Wu, Jen-Her, A Visual Approach to End User form management, Journal of Computer Information Systems, 2000, pp.31-39 (SCI Expanded)
  44. 吳仁和、林三順、夏則智, 專案管理與資訊系統開發─以聖州企業為例, 中山管理評論, Vol.7, No.2, 1999, pp.489-504
  45. 吳仁和、賴香菊、林信惠, 企業電腦化-以知更書店為例, 台灣本土企業個案集, 1998, pp.271-287
  46. Wu, Jen-Her and Chung, Chen-Hua, Timed Finite Automata As The Theoretical Foundation For Simulation Modeling With Event Graphs, Simulation Digest, 1998
  47. 吳仁和、劉橫智, 應用弁鉏狾﹞峟垠n事件法於管理才能發展需求之研究, 人力資源學報, Vol.9, 1998
  48. 吳仁和、呂理欽, 從人因面探討 EIS 之使用者介面設計, 資訊管理學報, Vol.4, No.2, 1998, pp.39-55
  49. 吳仁和, 吳如倩, 林信惠, 管理才能發展需求之研究: 以某鋼鐵公司為例, 人力資源學報, Vol.10, 1998, pp.175-191
  50. Wu, Jen-Her, Optimal Solutions for the Cutting Plan Problem, Sun Yat-sen Management Review, Vol.Internation, 1998, pp.695-712
  51. 吳仁和、夏則智, 多準則決策方法於快速應用系統開發工具選擇之研究, 資訊管理學報, Vol.5, No.1, 1998, pp.87-105
  52. Wu, Jen-Her, A Generic Solution Framework and A Mixed Model for Selecting An Expert System Development Tool, 工業工程學刊, Vol.14, No.3, 1997, pp.227-235 (EI)
  53. 吳仁和、賴香菊、林信惠, 產學合作模式於資訊系統開發之個案研究, 中山管理評論, Vol.5, No.3, 1997, pp.677-694
  54. 吳仁和、董和昇、王麗貞, 以實驗法探討資訊凸顯方式對使用者嬝祀Z效之影響, 資訊管理學報, Vol.5, No.2, 1997, pp.111-122
  55. 吳仁和, 統計決策支援系統之概念與應用-以臺灣省政府為例, 工業工程學刊, Vol.13, No.3, 1996, pp.203-213 (EI)
  56. 吳仁和, 夏則智, 加時有限自動機: 一個模擬模式構建工具, 工業工程學刊, Vol.12, No.2, 1995, pp.103-116 (EI)
  57. Holsapple, C. W. and Wu, Jen-Her, Certainty Factor Algebras: Comparing Conventional Mappings and Experimental Results, International Journal of Intelligent Systems in Accounting, Finance and Management, Vol.3, 1994, pp.35-46
  58. 吳仁和, 決策者對確定因子運算式選用之實證研究, 多國籍企業研究學報, Vol.21, 1994, pp.145-156
  59. Wu, Jen-Her, Risk Attitude Effect in Selecting Decision Criteria Using Decision Tree Analysis: An Empirical Study, 資訊管理學報, Vol.2, No.1, 1994, pp.21-32 (TSSCI)
  60. Holsapple, C. W., Rayens, W. S. and Wu, Jen-Her, An Experimental Study of Magnitude Effects in the Choice of Certainty Factor Algebras, International Journal of Expert Systems: Research & Applications, Vol.7, No.3, 1994, pp.301-317
  61. 吳仁和, 裁剪計劃問題:一般性的解決架構和總成本模式, 管理科學學報, Vol.11, No.2, 1994, pp.313-338 (TSSCI)
  62. Calantone, R. J., Holsapple, C. W., Rayens, W. S. and Wu, Jen-Her, 結合決策樹概率與可靠性因子的不確定決策, 決策與決策支援系統, Vol.3, No.3, 1993, pp.416-429
  63. Holsapple, C. W. and Wu, Jen-Her, Psychological Validity of Certainty Factor Algebras: An Empirical Study, Expert Systems, Vol.10, No.2, 1993, pp.93-102 (SSCI)
  64. Holsapple, C. W., Rayens, W. S. and Wu, Jen-Her, Operator Effects in the Choice of Certainty Factor Algebras: An Empirical Study, Knowledge Acquisition, Vol.5, No.4, 1993, pp.385-403 (SCI, SSCI)
  1. Wu, Jen-Her, Chen, Yi-Cheng, Lin, Li-Min, and Arun Rai, Complementarities between Relational and Contractual Governances in e-Health Absorptive Capacity, The 21st European Conference on Information Systems, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 5~ 8 2013
  2. Huang, Tsai-Chieh, Tai, Wei-Chun, Wu, Jen-Her, and Chen, Yi-Cheng, The Impacts of Presentation Modes and Product Involvements on “Line” Short Message Service (SMS) Advertising Effectiveness, The 13th International Conference on Eelectonic Business, Singapore, 1~ 4 2013
  3. Kao, Hao-Yun, Lin, Li-Min, Jhu, Yi-Chen, Wang, Shu-Ching, Wu, Jen-Her, A Scenario-based Approach for Designing a Stroke Clinical Decision Support System, IADIS International Conference e-Health 2012, Lisbon, Portugal, 17~ 19 2012
  4. Shin, Shin-Shing, Wu, Jen-Her, and Hsieh, Ming-Che, A MDA-based Development Approach for 3-tiers Applications, The 20th European Conference on Information Systems, Barcelona, Spain, 10~ 13 2012
  5. Wang, Shu-Ching and Wu, Jen-Her, Proactive Privacy Practices in the Trend of Ubiquitous Services: An Integrative Social Contracts Perspective, The 15th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Brisbane, Austria, 8~ 11 2011
  6. Lin, Li-Min, Yi-Cheng Chen, Wu, Jen-Her, and Wen-Tung Hung, What Drives e-Health Innovation in the Healthcare Sector?, IADIS International Conference e-Health 2010, Freiburg, Germany, ~ 2010, pp.29-31
  7. Lin, Li-Min, Yi-Cheng Chen, and Wu, Jen-Her, The Antecedents of e-Health Innovation in the Healthcare Sector: A Nomological Network of e-Health Capability, Partnership Development, Sourcing Network and Entrepreneurial Visioning, WEB 2010, The Ninth Workshop on E-Business, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA, 11~ 2010
  8. Wu, Jen-Her, Wang, Shu-Ching, and Tsai, Ho-Huang, Why Do Players Stick to a Specific Online Game? The Uses and Gratifications Perspective, The 15th Americans Conference on Information Systems, San Francisco, USA, 6~ 9 2009
  9. Wu, Jen-Her, Kao, Hao-Yun, and Sambamurthy, Vallabh, E-health Readiness and Its Influences on E-health Transformation Success: A Change Perspective, The 15th Americans Conference on Information Systems, San Francisco, USA, 6~ 9 2009
  10. Wu, Jen-Her and Chen, Yi-Cheng, Technology Management Competency of Healthcare IS Professionals and Its Effects on IT-healthcare Partnerships, The 14th Americans Conference on Information Systems, Toronto, ON, Canada, 14~ 17 2008
  11. Wu,Jen-Her, Hsia, Tzyh-Lih, Tennyson, R. D., and Liao, Yi-Wen, What Determinates Student Learning Satisfaction in a Blended E-Learning System Environment?, The 12th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Suzhou, China, 3~ 7 2008
  12. Wu, Jen-Her, Chen, Yi-Cheng, and Sambamurthy, V., The Impacts of BTM Capability and CIO Role Effectiveness on Firms’ Information Technology Assimilation: An Empirical Study, International Conference on Information Systems, Paris, France, 14~ 17 2008
  13. Wu, J.-H., Shin, S.-S., Chien, J.-L., Chao, W.-S., and Hsieh, M.-C., An Extended MDA Method for User Interface Modeling and Transformation, The 15th European Conference on Information Systems, St. Gallen, Swiss, 7~ 9 2007
  14. 吳仁和, 陳嘉浩, 類別正規化:一個擴充的異常分析方法, The 18th International Conference on Information Management, Ming Chuan University, Taipei, 26~ 2007
  15. 吳仁和、邱志誠, PIM塑模方法論之研究, The 18th International Conference on Information Management, Ming Chuan University, Taipei, 26~ 2007
  16. Wu, J-H, Chen, P.-F., Lin, L-M, Critical Managerial Activity and Competency of Top Management in Healthcare Sector: A Study of Sixteen top Managers, The Conference on Healthcare Industry and Biotech Industry Management, Taipei, Taiwan, 7~ 2006
  17. Wu,Jen-Her,and Chan,Y.-Y., Modeling User Interface of Web Application with UML for MDA Transformation, The 17th International Conference on Information Management, 義守大學, 27~ 2006
  18. Wu,Jen-Her,Chen,Yi-Cheng,and Chang,Jack, IS Knowledge Gaps: An Industrial Perspective, Thirty-Night Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-39), Hawaii USA, 4~ 7 2006
  19. Hisa,Tzyh-Lih,Lin,Li-Min,Wu,Jen-Her,Tsai,Hsien-Tang, A Framework for Designing Nursing Knowledge Management Systems, 管理方法與應用新思維國際研討會, 長庚大學, 10~ 2005
  20. Wu,Jen-Her and Hsia,Tzyh-Lih, The Development of Dynamic Capabilities of Innovation from M-Commerce to U-Commerce, The IACIS Pacific 2005 Conference, Taipei Taiwan, 19~ 21 2005
  21. Wu,Jen-Her,Shen,W.-H.,Lin,Li-Min, Developing a Revised Technology Acceptance Model for Evaluating Healthcare Professional’s Intention to Use Reporting System, International Conference On Comparative Management, "Kaohsiung,Taiwan", 8~ 9 2005
  22. Wu,Jen-Her,Shin,Shin-Shing,and Wu,Chi-Cheng, COTS-based Systems: A Methodology for Evaluating Data and Output Misfits, Thirty-Eighth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38), Hawaii USA, 3~ 6 2005
  23. 吳仁和、熊守誠、辛信興、鄭志宏、黃志賢, 應用文件探勘篩選全膝關節置換術之併發症/合併症, 管理方法與應用新思維國際研討會, 長庚大學, 10~ 2005
  24. "Wu,Jen-Her,Chen,Yi-Cheng,and Chang,Jack", The IS Manager: A Study of Critical Professional Activities and Skills/Knowledge, Thirty-Eighth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38), Hawaii USA, 03~ 06 2005
  25. "Wu,Jen-Her,Wang,Shu-Ching,and Lin,Li-Min", What Drives Mobile Health Care? An Empirical Evaluation of Technology Acceptance, Thirty-Eighth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-38), Hawaii USA, 03~ 06 2005
  26. "Wu,Jen-Her,Huang,An-Sheng,and Hisa,Tzyh-Lih", Revolution or Evolution? An Analysis of E-Health Innovation and Impact using a Hypercube Model, e-Health Care and Case Management-2004國際學術研討會, 中山大學, 02~ 2004
  27. 吳仁和、黃竫芬、黃彥結, 全膝關節置換術之併發症篩選研究, e-Health Care and Case Management-2004國際學術研討會, 中山大學, 02~ 2004
  28. "Wu,Jen-Her,Hsia,Tse-Chih,Tsai,Sun-Jen,and Hsieh,Chang-Tse", A Methodology for Modeling the User Interfaces: An integrated UML and PAC Model, The 15th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications, 長榮管理學院, 09~ 2004
  29. "Wu,Jen-Her,Huang,Yen-Chieh,and Shin,Shin-Shing", Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: Transformation from Class Diagram to Relational Table and Application Template, The 15th Workshop on Object-Oriented Technology and Applications, 長榮管理學院, 09~ 2004
  30. "Wu,Jen-Her,Wang,Yuh-Min,Wang,Jau-Wen,and Tai,Wei-Chun", Mobile Shopping Site Selection: The Consumers’ Viewpoint, Thirty-Seventh Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-37), Hawaii USA, 05~ 08 2004
  31. "Wu,Jen-Her and Shin,Shin-Shing", ERP Package Implementation: A Process Matching Methodology for Identifying Functional Misfit, 2003年工業工程研討會, 建國技術學院, 06~ 2003
  32. "Wu,Jen-Her,Wu,Chi-Chen,and Shin,Shin-Shing", Package Implementation: A Study of Data and Output Misfit Identification, 2003年工業工程研討會, 建國技術學院, 06~ 2003
  33. 吳仁和、陳宜檉、張茂庭、戴偉駿, 以活動能力模式探討資訊管理階層之專業活動與能力需求, The 14th International Conference on Information Management, 中正大學, 12~ 2003
  34. "Wu,Jen-Her and Shiah,Tzyh-Lih", "Hypercube Innovation: An Analysis of E-commerce,M-commerce,and U-commerce", The 7th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Adelaide Australia, 10~ 13 2003
  35. "Wu,Jen-Her and Wang,Shu-Ching", An Empirical Study of Consumers Adopting Mobile Commerce in Taiwan: Analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling, The 7th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Adelaide Australia, 10~ 13 2003
  36. "Wu,Jen-Her and Shiah,Tzyh-Lih", S2BC: A Methodology for Modeling Component-based E-commerce System, The 7th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, Adelaide Australia, 10~ 13 2003
  37. "Wu,Jen-Her,Wang,Yuh-Min,and Jau-Wen Wang", Developing an Instrument for Measuring User’s Preference on Selecting Mobile-shopping Sites, ” The 7th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) combined with The 8th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Region of the DSI, Shanghai China, 04~ 08 2003
  38. "Wu,Jen-Her and Chen,Yung-Cheng", End-User Computing Acceptance Factors: A Revised Technology Acceptance Model, The 7th International Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute (DSI) combined with The 8th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Region of the DSI, Shanghai China, 04~ 08 2003
  39. 吳仁和、潘咸寧、夏自立, 電子商務創新歷程之研究-Web-Based電子商務與行動商務的比較分析, 第六屆企業經營管理個案研討會, 成大, 22~ 2003
  40. 吳仁和、野縐^、戴偉駿, 企業需求與套裝系統差異分析的方法-以金融業導入信用貸款為例, 第六屆企業經營管理個案研討會, 成大, 22~ 2003
  41. "Wu,Jen-Her,Hsia,Tse-Chih,Tsai,Sun-Jen,and Chang,I-Chia", Application Generator: A Framework and Methodology for IS Construction, Thirty-Sixth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-36), Hawaii USA, 06~ 09 2003
  42. "Wu,Jen-Her and Wang,Yuh-Min", Enterprise Resource Planning Experience in Taiwan: An Empirical Study and Comparative Analysis, Thirty-Sixth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS-36), Hawaii USA, 06~ 09 2003
  43. 吳仁和,陷I雄, 企業導入套裝軟體之需求差異塑模與解決策略之研究, 第三屆產業資訊管理學術暨新興科技實務研討會, 輔仁大學, 30~ 2002
  44. 吳仁和、曾光輝, 軟體元件塑模方法之研究, 第八屆資訊管理研究暨實務研討會, 高雄第一科技大學, 23~ 2002
  45. "Wu,Jen-Her and Wang,Yuh-Min", Development of a Tool for Measuring Key-User Satisfaction in an ERP Environment, The 6th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, "Tokyo,Japan", 02~ 04 2002
  46. "Wu,Jen-Her,Chen,Yi-Cheng,Lin,Hsin-Hui", IS Manager's Management Development: A Study of Managerial Activities and Skills, The 6th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, "Tokyo,Japan", 02~ 04 2002
  47. 吳仁和、夏則智、吳其政、陳泳成、陳鴻明, 元件式系統開發方法論之研究, The 13th International Conference on Information Management, 淡江大學, 25~ 2002
  48. "Wu,Jen-Her,Wang,Yuh-Min,Mien-Chih Chang-Chien,and Wei-Chun Tai", An Examination of ERP User Satisfaction in Taiwan, Thirty-fifth Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, USA, 07~ 10 2002
  49. 吳仁和、陳宜檉、黃博信, 建構IT管理者管理才能需求問卷之研究, 2001中華民國科技管理年會暨論文研討會, 台灣大學, 14~ 15 2001
  50. 吳仁和、夏則智、蔡舜仁、張益嘉, 使用者介面塑模︰Net – PAC模式擴充之研究, 2001年工業工程研討會, 義守大學, 08~ 2001
  51. 吳仁和、陳宜檉、黃博信, IS管理者對管理活動能力的教育需求認知之研究, 2001年工業工程研討會, 義守大學, 08~ 2001
  52. 吳仁和、呂英雅, 產品研發的知識管理:以某公司的研發流程為例, 2001年工業工程研討會, 義守大學, 08~ 2001
  53. 吳仁和、陷I雄、戴偉峻, "ERP系統選擇之研究, 2001年工業工程研討會", 2001年工業工程研討會, 義守大學, 08~ 2001
  54. 吳仁和、戴偉峻、黃春木、曹玉俊, 中小企業電子商務應用-以某物流公司為例, 第二屆海峽兩岸中小企業經營管理與發展研討會, 深圳大學, 02~ 04 2001
  55. "Lin,Fen-Hui and Wu,Jen-Her", An Empirical Study of End-User Computing Acceptance Factors in Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan: Analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling, The Sixth Asia Pacific Decision Science Annual Meeting, Singapore, 18~ 21 2001
  56. "Wu,Jen-Her,Wang,Yuh-Min,Mien-Chih Chang-Chien,and Wei-Chun Tai", Developing and Applying User Satisfaction as a Measure of ERP Success in an Outsourcing Environment, The Sixth Asia Pacific Decision Science Annual Meeting, Singapore, 18~ 21 2001
  57. 吳仁和、夏則智、蔡舜仁、張益嘉, 使用者介面塑模方法論之研究, 應用媒體藝術理論與實務研討會, 台灣藝術學院, 07~ 08 2001
  58. 吳仁和、陳宜檉、黃博信, 資訊主管管理才能發展之實證研究. 彈性模組運用於系統建構之研究, "The 12th International Conference on Information Management", 台灣大學, 18~ 19 2001
  59. 吳仁和、夏則智、蔡舜仁、張益嘉, 彈性模組運用於系統建構之研究, The 12th International Conference on Information Management, 台灣大學, 18~ 19 2001
  60. 吳仁和、戴偉峻、夏則智、屠益民, 企業資源規劃系統之導入模式與應用—以某大企業為例, The 2001 International Conference of Interdisciplinary and Multifunctional Business Management, 東吳大學, 16~ 2001
  61. 吳仁和、王育民、陳宜檉, 以實驗方法從人因工程面探討資訊系統使用者介面之色彩設計, 2000年科技與管理研討會—e時代的挑戰與因應策略, 台灣科技大學, 22~ 2000
  62. 吳仁和、夏則智、王如芬, 專案管理: 資訊系統開發活動之研究, 資管年會論文集, 中央警察大學, 05~ 06 1999
  63. 林芬慧、吳仁和, 中小企業終端使用者之電腦使用實證研究, 第一屆亞太管理學術研討會, 成奶j學, 01~ 02 1999
  64. "Wu,Jen-Her,Lee,Ching-Chang,Doong,Her-Sen,Hsia,Tse-Chih,and Ting-Peng Liang", Office Information Systems: A Methodology for Conceptual Design of Flexible Form Presentation, Second Asia Pacific Decision Science Annual Meeting, 07~ 11 1998
  65. " Wu,Jen-Her", A Visual Approach to End User Form Management, Second Asia Pacific Decision Science Annual Meeting, 07~ 11 1998
  66. 吳仁和、林三順、夏則智, 彈性報表展示之設計概念與方法─以省交通處到安系統為例, 資管年會論文集, "內壢, 元智大學", 05~ 06 1998
  67. 吳仁和、董和昇、王麗貞, 人機介面: 色彩視覺滿意度之實證研究, 中國工業工程研討會86年論文集, "高雄,中山大學", 27~ 1997, pp.696-701
  68. 吳仁和、劉橫智, 應用弁鉏狾〝騢瑊z才能發展需求之研究, 中國工業工程研討會86年論文集, "高雄,中山大學", 27~ 1997
  69. 吳仁和、董和昇、王麗貞, 人機介面: 資訊凸顯效果之實證研究, 第三屆國際資訊管理研究暨實務研討會, "嘉義,中正大學", 21~ 22 1997, pp.410-415
  70. 吳仁和、林三順、夏則智, 應用雛型法於資訊系統開發之研究─以聖州企業為例, 第二屆台灣本土企業個案發表暨研討會, 管理科學學會, 17~ 18 1997
  71. 吳仁和、賴香菊、林信惠、董成偉, 企業電腦化-以知更書店為例, 第二屆台灣本土企業個案發表暨研討會, 管理科學學會, 17~ 18 1997
  72. 吳仁和、吳如倩、林信惠, 管理才能發展需求之研究: 以某鋼鐵公司為例, 中國工業工程研討會85年論文集, "台北,台北技術學院", 15~ 1996
  73. 吳仁和、夏則智, 快速應用程式開發工具分析: 評估Visual Basic Delphi PowerBuilder 與 Power Objects, 中國工業工程研討會85年論文集, "台北,台北技術學院", 15~ 1996
  74. 吳仁和、呂理欽, 高階主管資訊系統—從人因面探討使用者介面之設計, 第七屆國際資訊管理研討會85年論文集, "中壢,中原大學", 24~ 25 1996
  75. " Wu,Jen-Her,Hsia,Tse-Chih,Li,Yu-Wen and Tsai,Serval", SAS Software: A Powerful Development Tool for Statisitcal Decision Support Systems, Proc. of the Twenty-first Annual SAS Users Group International Conference, "Chicago,Illinois", 10~ 13 1996
  76. "Wu,Jen-Her,Wang,Lih-Jen and Hsia,Tse-Chih", The Selection of Expert System Development Tools: A Generic Solution Framework and A Mixed Model, 中國工業工程研討會84年會論文集, "中壢,中原大學", 17~ 1995, pp.1074-1081
  77. 吳仁和、夏則智、李玉雯, 統計決策支援系統於台灣省政府統計作業之應用, 中國工業工程研討會84年論文集, "中壢,中原大學", 17~ 1995, pp.405-412
  78. 吳仁和、王育民, 介面藍圖:一個需求溝通與表達工具, 第六屆全國資訊管理研討會84 年論文集, "台北,中央大學", 27~ 28 1995
  79. 吳仁和、梁定澎、陳勁甫、游嘉鵑, 危機情況下決策者使用資訊與決策準則之實證研究, 亞太工業工程研討會83年論文集, "台南,成大", 17~ 18 1994
  80. 吳仁和、賴榮裕, 從人因工程面探討使用者介面之設計, 亞太工業工程研討會84年論文集, "台南,成大", 17~ 18 1994, pp.333-555
  81. 吳仁和、林信惠、鐘興漢, 資本預算之不確定性探討: 確定因子在財務決策上的運用, 第五屆全國資訊管理研討會83年論文集, "台北,淡大", 27~ 28 1994
  82. 吳仁和、徐立芬, 專家系統開發工具:一般性的評估架構, " 中國工業工程學會82年度論文集,pp. 473-478", "台南,成大", 05~ 1993
  83. "Wu,Jen-Her and Chung,Chen-Hua", An Automata Theoretic Approach to Event Graph Modeling, Proce. Of The 22nd Annual Meeting of Decision Science Institute, "Miami Beach,Florida", 24~ 26 1991
  84. "Wu,Jen-Her and Chung,Chen-Hua", Finite Automata Approach to Modeling Flexible Manufacturing Systems, TIMS/ORSA Conference on Flexible Manufacturing Systems II, 12~ 15 1991
1.吳仁和, 物件導向系統分析與設計-結合MDA與UML, 4rd Edition, 智勝:台北, 2012
2.吳仁和, 資訊管理:企業創新與價值創造,4rd Edition, 智勝:台北, 2012
3.吳仁和、林信惠, 系統分析與設計-理論與實務應用, 5th Edition, 智勝:台北, 2010
4.吳仁和, 教學個案寫作方法與應用,1st Edition, 前程:台北, 2010
5.Wu, Jen-Her, Tennyson, R. D. and Hsia, Tzyh-Lih, Blended E-Learning Strategies to Improve Organization Learning Goals,” In Patricia Ordóñez de Pablos, Electronic Globalized Business and Sustainable Development through IT Management: Strategies and Perspectives, Pennsylvania: Idea Group Publishing, 2009 (2009 Forthcoming)

1.吳仁和、林三順、夏則智, "聖州企業電腦化", 資訊發展, Vol.8, 1997
2.吳仁和、賴香菊、林信惠、董成偉, "知更書店電腦化", 資訊發展, Vol.7, 1996

1."Wu, Jen-Her, Wang, Yuh-Min, and Sibley, E. H.", Development of a tool for Measuring Key-user Satisfaction in ERP Outsourcing Environments, 2002 8("will be submitted to JMIS, 2002")
2."Wu, Jen-Her, Chen, Yi-Cheng, Lin, Hsin-Hui", The Information System Manager: A Study of Managerial Activity and Skills, 2002 5(Sumitted to MIS Quarterly)
3."Wu, Jen-Her, Wang, Yuh-Min, and Holsapple, C. W.", An Examination of ERP User Satisfaction in an Outsourcing Environment, 2001 6("Submitted to ISR, 2002")
4.吳仁和、林麗敏、黃英忠, 護理管理才能發展需求之實證研究, 2000 2(Completed Manuscript)
5."Wu, Jen-Her, Liang, Ting-Peng, Yu, Chia-Chuan, and Chen, Ching-Pu", The Effect of Anxiety and Time Presure on the Use of the Computer-based Decision Support: An Empirical Study, 1998 8(NSC83-0301-H-110-065、NSC84-2416-H-110-021)
6.吳仁和、鐘興漢, 投資決策之不確定性探討: 確定因子在資本預算上之運用, 1994 2
7."Wu, Jen-Her and Wu, Chi-Chen", Package Implementation: A Study of Data and Output Misfit Identification, Submitted to HICSS-37

姓名 吳仁和
現職 教授
學歷 美國肯塔基大學
專長 電子化企業創新與實務、電子商務與生態系統、虛實整合與價值共創、系統分析與設計
email jhwu@mis.nsysu.edu.tw